Friday, August 1, 2008

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Some of my favorite exercises during the 23 things were flicker, youtube, Rss feeds, podcasts, and wiki's. I have learned that there are some interesting things in the blogisphere I wasn't aware of, such as delicious. I honesty can't say I was surprised by anything in particular. A suggestion for the format would be to encourage reading of other blogs and making comments on posts. I would also be eager to participate in future discovery programs.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Digital Media Collection

The Art of War
The Essential Translation of the Classic Book of Life

From description:

For more than two thousand years, The Art of War has stood as a cornerstone of Chinese culture, a lucid text that reveals as much about psychology, politics, and economics as it does about battlefield strategy.


The Podcasts Alley link was pretty interesting. Searching is easy, performed by keywork or browsing. I was able to find a few sites that interest me. I linked to Practical Backpacking's podcasts on my Bloglines account. Here is a link to my Bloglines list:

You Tube

Peter Aerts

I.K.B.F. World Heavyweight Champion
W.M.T.A.World Muay Thai Heavyweight Champion
K-1 GRAND PRIX '97 3rd Place
K-1 GRAND PRIX '94, '95, '98 Champion
K-1 WORLD GP 2001 in Las Vegas Finalist
K-1 WORLD GP 2003 3rd Place
K-1 WORLD GP 2006 - 2007 Finalist

I don't have any problems with YouTube, and generally like everything abou the site. Sorry, but I don't really see the benefit for libraries using this.

Thursday, June 19, 2008


From the Web 2.0 list of awards I chose Onmidrive in the Digital Storage category. Digital storage is nice for documents you might need when away from your computer. I don't know if I would trust having this service for all my documents, however. What happens if the company shuts down? Are all documents lost? It seems too risky for me. Also, the storage amounts are too small for use of anything except temporary storage of files. The free account only gives you 1 gb of storage. The pro3 account, at $200 per year, only gives you 50 gb of storage. I'm not impressed. Nor would I use it in a library setting.


If I had to use an online word processor, this would be a good choice. It seems to have excellent features for an online product. The equation editor seems particulary useful. Typing was easy and seemed fluid; some online products are stuttery. Even so, I still am not yet a fan of online applications although I am sure we will be forced that way in the future.